Joint Powers Agreement 2019
Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 105(d) and 134(a) and pursuant to UMT Act(49 U.S.C. 5303(a) and 23 C.F.R. 450, Subpart C, BMPO members are required to engage in an urban transportation planning process as a prerequisite for eligibility for federal funding of transportation services within the urbanized area surrounding and enjoining the territorial boundaries of the members.
A Metropolitan Planning Organization was identified and established for the purpose of coordinating urban planning activities and carrying out required planning and programming pursuant to such statutory and regulatory mandates.
Pursuant to the Idaho Joint Powers Act (Idaho Code § 67-2326 to § 67-2334 inclusive) BMPO members are authorized to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for the purpose of jointly exercising their powers, privileges and authority under the laws of the State of Idaho.
BMPO members agreed to create a joint agency to be known as the Bonneville Metropolitan Planning Organization (hereinafter referred to as “BMPO”) and the execution of the powers became effective March 14, 2012. Members are also known as the “Policy Board”.
BMPO is considered to be a joint agency of the members and as a joint agency of such constituent members shall have all rights, powers and privileges as may be lawfully and expressly delegated to the BMPO and no others. Any act, undertaking, liability or obligation incurred or caused in excess of such delegated authority shall be deemed to be ultra vires and shall not be binding upon any of the members.
BMPO may exercise all implied powers that may be implied from any express delegation of powers and as may be necessary to fully effectuate and accomplish the express powers.
The purpose of BMPO is to provide a forum for cooperative decision-making by the members according to the Federal legislative and regulatory requirements specified in 23 U.S.C. 134, and Section 3(a)(2), 4(a), 5(g)(l), and 5(1) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended 49 U.S.C. 1602(a)(2), 1603(a), and 1604(g)(l) and (1) and 23 CFR 450. The purpose of the Agreement is also to establish a forum for discussion and study of transportation planning problems of mutual interest and concern, and to facilitate the development of policy, action, and recommendations for the solution of such problems.