
For BMPO documents and other assistance in Spanish, please email us at or call (208) 612-8509.

Para BMPO documentos y otro tipo de asistencia en español por favor con en o llame al (208) 612-8509.

The 2020, 2035 and 2050 demographic data and forecasts have been updated to align with the 2020 Census. The numbers are embedded within the demographic map.

To access the demographics, click within the boundaries of a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) (e.g. 700-2E, etc.) shown on the demographics map below. A table will appear that contains the following information for the selected TAZ:

  • 2020 Population Data, 2035 and 2050 Population Forecasts

  • Annual Population Growth Rate (percentage)

  • 2020 Employment Rate, 2035 and 2050 Employment Forecasts

  • Annual Employment Growth Rate (percentage)